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Some Abortion Debate Facts
from:There are two major sides to every argument, and when we are talking about abortion debate facts, it is no different. Pro-Choice is a term used for those who are essentially pro-abortion. There are many levels of Pro-Choice activism, including those people who would not choose to have an abortion themselves, but do think that the expectant mother has a right to choose what happens to her own body. The major question that Pro-Choice advocates address is the question of women’s rights. They believe that a woman has the right to choose whether or not she gives birth. Pro-Choice advocates are in favor or abortion being available on demand, and usually, at any time during the pregnancy. This is especially true when it comes to therapeutic abortion, or abortion in cases of rape or incest.
Pro-Life is a term used to describe those people who are basically against abortion. When discussing abortion debate facts, it is important to remember that there are many levels to this side as well. Some people may consider themselves Pro-Life even if they are in favor of certain types of abortion: for example, therapeutic abortion or abortion in cases of rape or incest. These people do not believe that abortion should be available on demand, but would protect the mother’s physical and mental health. The major question Pro-Life advocates are concerned with is “what are the rights of the unborn child?” This leave a lot of room for interpretation, depending on when one believes that life begins. The majority of Pro-Lifers believe that life begins at conception and therefore no type of abortion should be allowed. Many Pro-Lifers believe that religion plays greatly into the realm of abortion debate facts. For example, Christians believe the Bible states that God know a person’s soul before they are born. They believe that if God knows a soul, that soul is a human being, and God dictates in the Bible that people should not kill each other; therefore, abortion is murder.
Aside from the question of rights, there are other abortion debate facts that should be discussed. For example, even when abortion was illegal in the United States – before the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade which essentially made abortion legal – women still sought out abortions. Since the procedures were illegal, they were not regulated by the government or the medical community. This posed a great problem for the women seeking abortions. They had to look to what are commonly deemed as “back-alley abortionists”. This term refers to someone not medically licensed who practices abortion procedures in an unsafe environment. This is extremely dangerous, and many women died before abortion was regulated.