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What Are Some Abortion Methods?


There are many different induced abortion methods. The one chosen for a woman depends on her personal preference and on how far along the pregnancy is. There are two basic types of induced abortion methods: surgical and chemical. Surgical abortions involve surgical procedures. Chemical abortions are done by administering abortifacient drugs to the woman. Herbal abortions are a possibility and they were very popular up until the 19th century when surgery and anesthetic were invented. However, herbal abortion methods are not safe, nor are they regulated by the medical community.

There are several different surgical abortion methods. During the first trimester, there are three major surgical procedures: Manual Vacuum Aspiration, Electric Vacuum Aspiration, and Dilation and Curettage. Manual Vacuum Aspiration, or MVA, uses suction to remove the embryonic tissue through a syringe after the cervix has been dilated. Electric Vacuum Aspiration is similar, except an electric pump is used to remove the tissue. Dilation and Curettage is when the doctor dilates the cervix and then uses a sharp instrument called a curette to scrape the uterine walls, a process which removes the embryo.

During the second trimester, the common abortion methods used are Dilation and Evacuation, Hysterotomy, and Intact Dilation and Extraction. Dilation and Evacuation – also called D&E – is when the cervix is dilated and then instruments are used to scrape the uterine walls and suction is used to remove the embryonic tissue. Hysterotomy is essentially a cesarean section, but the end result is an aborted fetus. The most controversial of all abortion methods is Intact Dilation and Extraction. This procedure is done by dilating the cervix, turning th fetus to breech position with forceps, and making a cut at the base of the skull. A suction device is then inserted into the cut, removing the brain tissue from the skull. This method is also called Partial Birth Abortion.

The most commonly talked about of abortion methods is probably the “abortion pill”. The abortion pill is actually the combination of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone – sometimes referred to as RU-486 – stops the action of progesterone in the pregnant woman’s body. This cause the uterus to slough off the embryo and bleeding may occur. Then a dose of misoprostol is given, which causes a miscarriage by beginning cramping and contractions. The abortion pill only is available in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. It is a very safe procedure, and is 95% effective. In very few cases, it is sometimes necessary for the woman to come back and have a follow up surgical procedure to complete the abortion process.